Friday, December 17, 2010

Grey's Anatomy: Season 1 Revisited.

Recently, I began watching reruns of Grey's Anatomy on TV and I could not get enough. I was completely amazed at how far the show has come and how much everyone has grown since the beginning. I have fallen in love with the show, all over again, which I didn't think was possible. After watching the reruns of Season 5, I began to watch Season 1 with Lindsay (my best friend).

I recall the first episode I had ever seen: George gets Syphillis! (S1, Episode 9, "Who's Zoomin' Who?") It just made me laugh. I could not get enough! Tabitha and I began to watch it together for the longest time, up until the past year, when she moved to Washington. Oh, the irony! We watched Grey's (takes place in Washington) in Ohio and now she lives in Washington and doesn't watch it! Come on Tabitha, you live in Spokane, what if you ever need to go to Seattle Grace!?! -- It was like our little escape from reality. We were like little kids gossiping! "Who killed who? Who's sleeping with who?" - We wanted all the details! It began to be our regular "hanging out" time when she would come over to wash clothes. It was just amazing how a show could connect people and make them feel as if they live within the realm of TV Land. As it may happen to others, I began referring to characters as if I was an intern with them, we were the best of friends! (I still do). Yea, I know Meredith... so what?! And the answer is yes, Christina really is that arrogant, George really is a dork, Alex is a jerk, and Izzie really does walk around in her underwear.... I mean, come on, she was a model!! I really considered becoming a surgeon because of this show. I just found the characters so real and three-dimensional, such depth and reality within them all.

The first line ever in the whole series should have captured the attention of millions, the writing in this show is simply amazing! Shonda Rhimes knows exactly what she is doing!

"The Game. They say a person either has what it takes to play, or they don't. My mother was one of the greats. Me, on the other hand... I'm kinda screwed. I can't think of any one reason why I'd want to be a surgeon. But I can think of a thousand reasons why I should quit. They make it hard on purpose. There are lives in our hands. There comes a moment when it's more than just a game. And you either take that step forward or turn around and walk away. I could quit, but here's the thing... I love the playing field." - Meredith Grey (Season 1, Episode 1: A Hard Day's Night) *March 27th, 2005 (Over 5 Years Ago!!!!)

Lindsay and I currently finished Episode 8. Soon we will watch Episode 9 (Season Finale), the first episode I ever saw, where some lovely twists stir up the lovely pot of drama that is already cooking. I love it! I can't get over how long it has been. Currently the show is in it's Seventh Season. (Which I can't discuss because I don't want to spoil anything!)

The picture above this post is a poster for Season 7 of Grey's Anatomy. I believe that "Life Changes In A Heartbeat" One decision can change your world. Everything and Everyone affects you, whether you are aware of it or not. Tabitha's decision to move to Washington affected me. I felt this empty void on Thursday nights watching Grey's alone. I had to talk to myself, cuddle with myself, and essentially cry to myself. Lame I know. Everyone has to move on. I am so happy for her!  I can't wait until she comes Ohio and she can fill the void with our "Grey's Bonding" :) I can't wait! 

Let the Games Begin....